Running For Recovery
EP94- Get sober, start building a life that matters, and magically get better... right? Rebuilding your life is one of the most important factors in sobriety. You have to make it work for you and fill the void left by alcohol. You can totally do this. Take a peek into the life of Shelley Leone. She got sober. Started running. Lost 50 pounds, and VOILA! A whole new life! Not quite. In this episode you get a look into the real-life struggles of addiction and recovery and some of the major life events that will lead you back to drinking. Raw, authentic, and honest. From relapse, to being a champion runner, to dealing with illness and loss. Shelley is further proof that addiction doesn't have to take you down. You've got this. Together, we can do anything. Join the Facebook Group: Free Recovery Tools: Coaching With Angela: Subscribe to Podcast: Follow on Instagram!