The Poetry of Purpose with Leslieann Hobayan
Lola brings on one of her beloved EMPATH*ology graduates, Leslieann Hobayan. Eavesdrop on their rich conversation about the poetry of purpose, personal growth, and the freedom that comes with newfound boundary patterns. What does it feel like to actually experience your inner witness? Listen and find out. Leslieann Hobayan is a poet, essayist, creative writing professor, yoga a meditation teacher and badass mama. As an American-born daughter of immigrants, identity has always been at the forefront of her work. As a result, her work’s focus has been to help others uncover and express their truest identities, their most authentic selves through creative writing, meditation, and yoga. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a 2018 Best of the Net, her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, Aster(ix) Journal, The Grief Diaries, The Lantern Review, The Mom Egg Review,The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit, and elsewhere. A former mentor for youth poets in NYC, she now teaches creative writing at Rutgers University. She also teaches yoga and meditation, including trauma-informed yoga, at local studios and with private clients where she guides students through sessions that strive to connect mind, body, and spirit with a little spunk. With an open heart, kind words, and a little silliness, she works to create a safe space that nurtures and heals.She also loves to bake, enjoys sunrise walks on the beach, and sometimes goes by the spiritual name, Surya Gian Kaur. You can find more show notes and quotes on Lola's Empath To Power website! See for privacy information.