Travel Deep Into History and Your Own Mind

How did the great philosophers view the connections between our minds and bodies? How did the ancient civilizations view the skies? How can stress benefit us? How did one singular period of history impact and influence the entire world? Ed Leon, Chief Brand Officer, and four renowned experts answer these questions providing profound insights into time, space, and our own bodies. How are our mental and physical perceptions connected? Professor Patrick Grimm tackles this problem from a philosophical perspective, looking at the link between experience, consciousness, and free will. The skywatchers of ancient times saw the stars in a very different way from what we see today. Professor Bradley Schaefer enlightens us about how ancient peoples around the planet viewed the sky, used pattern recognition to create constellations, and created some of the world's most mysterious structures based on the stars they saw. Many people mistakenly presume "stress management" means reducing the amount of stress in your life. Join Dr. Kimberlee Bethany Bonura to discover how stress can actually benefit us and how proper management means converting stress into positive energy that results in a better performance and a higher satisfaction rate. Learn how and why the British were able to take control and rule India for such an extended time despite rebellions as Professor Hayden Bellenoit traces the history of this monumental period. Don't miss this episode of the torch, chock full of exceptional information, startling insights, and groundbreaking perspectives.

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