Time to Hit the Pause Button and Take Care of Ourselves
As school leaders, we often consider busyness a badge of honor — until we hit the wall. Our guest says, “There were days I felt so low that if I didn’t do something I don’t know what could have happened.” In this episode, we talk about knowing when to hit the pause button and take care of ourselves. Follow on Twitter: @Dwight_Carter @gustafsonbrad @benjamingilpin @bamradionetwork @Jonharper70bd Dwight Carter is a nationally recognized school leader from Central OH. Because of his collaborative and innovative leadership, in 2010, he was inducted into the Jostens Renaissance Educator Hall of Fame. He was also named a 2013 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year, the 2014 Academy of Arts and Science Education High School Principal of the Year, and the 2015 Ohio Alliance of Black School Educators Principal of the Year. He is currently an Assistant Director and Eastland Career Center in Groveport, OH. He is the co-author of three books: What’s In Your Space? Five Steps to Better School and Classroom Design (Corwin, 2015), Leading Schools in Disruptive Times: How to Survive Hyper-change (Corwin 2017), and the second edition of Leading Schools in Disruptive Times (Corwin, 2021. Additionally, he has contributed to several educational books and articles.