How Can We Manage Our Emotions As We Learn Through an Unprecedented Crisis?
How do we lead a class, a school or a school district when there is no textbook, guidebook or map for the scenarios we face? As big anxiety, fears and doubts arise, how do we teach or lead others when we are struggling ourselves? Follow on Twitter: @ASCD @DrRachaelGeorge @PrincipalKafele @Jenschwanke @jonHarper70bd Award-winning educator Baruti Kafele is a leading keynote speaker and best-selling author. His books include Is My School Better a Better School BECAUSE I Lead It?, The Principal 50: Critical Leadership Questions for Inspiring Schoolwide Excellence, and The Teacher 50: Critical Questions for Inspiring Classroom Excellence. Jennifer Schwanke has been an educator for 20 years, teaching or leading at all levels. She is the author of You're the Principal! Now What? Strategies and Solutions for New School Leaders. In addition to on her blog, she publishes frequently on the Choice Literacy and Lead Literacy websites as well as Education Week Teacher, Principal, and Principal Navigator. Guest host Rachael George is the principal of Sandy Grade School in the Oregon Trail School District and an ASCD Emerging Leader.