What Is a Culturally Responsive Classroom? Why It Matters
If you are unclear about the meaning of a culturally responsive classroom or why it matters, tune in. Follow: @bamradionetwork @jasonFlom @raepica1 @PrincipalKafele @jlwf Award-winning educator Baruti Kafele is a leading keynote speaker and best-selling author. His books include The Teacher 50: Critical Questions for Inspiring Classroom Excellence. Jennifer L.W. Fink is a freelance writer who specializes in education and health. Her education articles have appeared in Scholastic Teacher, District Administration, and online at WeAreTeachers.com. Jason Flom is director of Cornerstone Learning Community in Tallahassee, Florida, a whole child school he cofounded with other educators and serves as a faculty member with ASCD’s Professional Learning Services.