Results of New Flipped Learning Study Surprise Researchers
Educators in the UK have discovered the flipped classroom model and Educators in the UK have discovered the flipped classroom model and increasing numbers are turning learning upside down. Results of a new study of 12 UK schools with over 2,400 students was recently released. Follow: @jonbergmann @kirstytonksSCA @bamradionetwork #edchat #flipclass #teachers for flipping is accelerating. Follow: @jonbergmann @kirstytonicsSCA @bamradionetwork #edchat #flipclass #teachers Kirsty Tonks is Assistant Principal for e-learning and Teaching School Director at Shireland Collegiate Academy, in the West Midlands and has led on embedding technology since 2007. She has taught across both the Primary and Secondary Sector for almost two decades and provides the strategic lead on how to enable and use technology to affect whole school sustained school improvement.