Would These 5 Tips Make You More Open to New Teaching Practices?
Resistance to change is part of human nature. In this segment we look at how we can become more willing and comfortable with embracing new teaching strategies and techniques. Follow: @larryferlazzo @EducationHall @billsterrett@bamradionetwork #edchat #teachers #edtech Sally Zepeda is a professor at the University of Georgia in the Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy. Bill Sterrett serves as a faculty member and program coordinator in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Prior to his work at UNCW, Sterrett served as a principal, assistant principal, and middle school science teacher. Sterrett is the author of the ASCD books Insights into Action and Short on Time. Pete Hall is a school principal, author, consultant, and motivational coach.