Fist Bumps Matter: Five Ways Touching Improves Teaching and Learning
Our guests are unequivocal: students need to touch and be touched to maximize teaching and learning. Discover why fist bumps, high fives and tactile experiences all matter. Follow: @sianbeilock @jesslahey @flourishingkids @bodymindchild @bamradionetwork #edchat #teaching #edreform #AskingWhatIf Sian Beilock, an associate professor of psychology at The University of Chicago, is one of the foremost experts on the brain science behind performance under stress. Jessica Lahey is an educator, writer and speaker. She writes the bi-weekly New York Times column, “The Parent-Teacher Conference,” is a contributing writer for The Atlantic and commentator at Vermont Public Radio. Her book, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed (2015). Joan Young is middle school learning specialist after teaching Kindergarten/1st grade and 4th grade for many years.