Bribes a Threats Work in the Classroom But....
When the subject turns to classroom management, using carrots and sticks has been the prevailing strategy for getting compliance. But research and an emerging cadre of voices are asserting that engagement trumps compliance. So is there a place in the enlightened teacher's classroom for rewards and punishments? Follow: Follow: @danielpink@@Teach_Preschool @stumpteacher@LarryFerlazzo Dan Pink is the author of 5 best-selling books about business, work, and management, including Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. Larry Ferlazzo, author of Helping Students Motivate Themselves and Self Driven to Learn, is a high school teacher. Josh Stumpenhorst, award winning teacher, is a junior high Language Arts and Social Science teacher. Deborah J. Stewart, M.Ed. has over 20 years experience in the field of early childhood education and is the Executive Educational Director over three childcare campuses.