Teachers, Tattoos, Piercings and Provocative Dress: Fashion Anarchy v. Fashion Fascism?
A new generation of young teachers, combined with more casual trends in dress, has raised some prickly questions about what is appropriate attire for teachers. Teachers with tattoos, piercings and provocative clothing are acceptable to some and strictly off-limits to others. In this segment our guests tackle the issue in what became a surprisingly spirited discussion. Eve Michaels, author of Dress Code: Ending Fashion Anarchy, believes that Americans suffer from a pandemic of fashion anarchy. Beth Winfrey Freeburg, Ph.D. is Professor and Chair in the Department of Workforce Education and Development at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. David Bloomfield is Professor of Education Leadership, Law, and Policy at Brooklyn College and the City University. Amanda Dykes M.Ed, is a sixth grade teacher who is passionate about technology integration.