Everybody Wants a Piece of Me:Setting Boundaries in a 24/7 World
Now that we teach in a wired world anyone and everyone can get hold of you 24/7. Teachers are increasingly reporting that interruptions are on the rise. Even during class, parents are texting and calling and expecting an immediate response. In this session our guest talk about where the new boundaries need to be placed in a wired world and how to set them. Maureen Moriarty, helps leaders and managers improve leadership and team performance and author of "Setting a Keeping Boundaries." Dr. Jane Bluestein is a former classroom teacher and author of article "The Challenge of Setting Boundaries." Patrick Riccards, CEO of ConnCAN, has more than 20 years of communications strategy under his belt. Vicki Davis is a classroom technology teacher and author of the book Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds.