5 Ways to Excite Reluctant Writers
Welcome back to the Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast! We’re getting close to the end of this series on teaching writing. This week we’re going to talk about ways to excite your reluctant writers. You know the ones I am talking about. They don’t have any ideas, they don’t want to try, and they get “done” really fast. These are the students we want to help teach with these five strategies to excite reluctant writers. Our goal is to create a positive experience around writing and build the confidence in your little writers. In this episode I talk about: Letting your writers choose their writing utensils, it’s more fun to write with a fun pencil, pen or marker Letting your writers choose their topic, let them use their imagination Give your students clear, daily writing tasks Give daily opportunities for students to share their writing Create writing celebrations, make this a quarterly event I used to dread teaching writing until I mastered the best way to teach it. Now, it’s my favorite subject and it could be yours, too. Join me for a FREE Live Training called; "Confidently Teach Writing Mini Lessons, Even if You Feel Like Your Writing Curriculum is Boring and Your Students Hate Writing.” Join me live for one hour to learn 4 strategies that make writing more enjoyable. Let me teach you how to make your writing curriculum work better for you. Make sure to stay the entire time and you could get a free Poetry Writing Mini Unit, not available on TPT. Anyone who signs up will get a 1-Hour Professional Development Certificate to show to your administration. Sign up here: https://www.notsowimpyteacher.com/training Want more Not So Wimpy Teacher tips and tricks? Find tons of resources on our website https://www.notsowimpyteacher.com/ Follow me on Instagram where I share daily! @notsowimpyteacher