3 Ways to Have More Fun Teaching Writing
Welcome back to another episode of The Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast! This week we are continuing on with our series on writing curriculum. I have had so many teachers tell me how much they HATE teaching writing. They don’t feel confident when they teach writing and that makes total sense. As humans, we don’t like doing things that we don’t know how to do or don’t feel confident doing, right? So in today’s episode, I am going to share 3 tips that you can use to make teaching writing more fun for YOU. We always talk about making things fun for our students, but today is all about you. Let’s dive in! In this episode I talk about: How to make teaching writing fun for the teacher, not just the student Giving students a choice Growth over perfection Investing in trainings to become more confident as a writing teacher If you’re interested in diving deeper and want to become a more confident writing teacher, stay tuned for my upcoming online professional development course. It’s called The Not So Wimpy Writing Masterclass and in it, I dive deep into all of the things we talked about in today’s episode. The course will only be available for a short time in June so be sure to get on the waitlist by heading to www.notsowimpyteacher.com/waitlist so you don’t miss out! Want more Not So Wimpy Teacher tips and tricks? Find tons of resources on our website at www.notsowimpyteacher.com and follow me on Instagram @notsowimpyteacher where I share daily!