How to Make Writing Workshop Less Chaotic
Welcome back to the Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast! For the past few weeks, I have been talking on the topic of writing curriculum. This week, we are talking about writing workshops, specifically how to make them less chaotic. I’ve heard so many teachers complain about how their writing workshops are a hot mess. I completely understand because I had that issue for a long time until I created The Not So Wimpy Writing Process. If you feel like your writing workshops are a hot mess, this episode is for you. In this episode I talk about: The traditional model of the writing workshop How I took that model and made it my own How The Not So Wimpy Writing Process works The “Extra Stories” How this process is an incredible combination of structure and encouraging independence If you’re interested in diving deeper into The Not So Wimpy Writing Process, stay tuned for my upcoming online professional development course. It’s called The Not So Wimpy Writing Masterclass and in it, I dive deep into the process we talked about in this episode today. The course will only be available for a short time in June so be sure to head to so you don’t miss out! Want more Not So Wimpy Teacher tips and tricks? Find tons of resources at and follow me on Instagram @notsowimpyteacher where I share daily!