Improve Teacher and Staff Moral at Your School
What is teacher and staff morale like at your school? Is there a lot of positivity and teachers are happy to come to school? Or, is there a lot of negativity and frustration. Do teachers feel supported or do they feel like no one appreciates them? Sadly many teachers feel like morale is low at their school. There are so many things that we wish admin would do at our school to show that they trust us and appreciate us. But today, we are changing the conversation. Instead of talking about what we wish others would do, we are going to start talking about what WE can do to help to improve the morale at our school. In this episode, I share several simple ideas that you can implement! Secret gift exchange Stocking the staff lounge Start a social club Host a book club Write positive notes I'd love to hear about the ideas that you are coming up with. Let me know how you are going to improve morale at your school. Let's make teaching fun, my friends!