Why I Took Grammar Out of Writing Workshop
Do you teach grammar during your writing workshop time? If I were to ask you what you are teaching in writing this week, would it be a list of grammar skills such as capitalization, punctuation, and parts of speech? Grammar and writing go hand in hand, right? And that is why you are wondering why I decided to stop teaching grammar during my writing workshop time. I can honestly say that having a dedicated grammar lesson and a dedicated writing lesson helped my students to improve in both areas. In this episode, I share three reasons why I removed most grammar lessons from my writing workshop time. 1. Students need dedicated grammar lessons. 2. There is more to writing than grammar. 3. I want to grow a love for writing. Resources Free Writing Lesson Guide: www.bit.ly/NotSoWimpyGuide My Grammar Routine: https://www.notsowimpyteacher.com/2017/08/my-ela-block-teaching-grammar-and.html