LIAM 019 – Happiness is Directly Linked to Thankfulness
In this episode, I talk about how Happiness is directly linked to Thankfulness. If you want to be happier in life, you must learn how to feel and express gratitude for the way your life is right now. As you express thankfulness, you are focusing on what you want more of, instead of the problems which you want less of. What you focus on expands or increases, so focus more on being grateful and more of what you are grateful for will come into your life. Keeping a gratitude journal is just as important, if not more so, than keeping a victory log! Quotes from the show: What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you gave thanks for today? Complaining about your current circumstances is the glue that keeps you attached to them. - Peter Sage When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear. - Buddha Show outline: Veggie Tales - Madame Blueberry Though she was wealthy and had many things, she was a very "blue" berry. Recently, the topic of gratitude has come up frequently for me "What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you gave thanks for today?" Ten years ago, I was like Madame Blueberry, but without all of the stuff I was grumpy and ungrateful, always expecting bad things to happen It's hard to be happy when everything is going wrong! You must WANT to be happy before you can BE happy. Happiness is directly linked to thankfulness Melody Beattie from The Language of Letting Go: Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. According to a Wikipedia article on Gratitude: A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of subjective well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance. Importance of keeping a gratitude log/journal -- perhaps more important than a victory log Conditions your RAS to start looking for good things When reviewing victories, be grateful for each one If you have the list, it gives you something to look back on during the "down" days What you focus on expands/increases Complaining about your current circumstances is the glue that keeps you attached to them. - Peter Sage By focusing on the good, we move through or let go of the bad faster Hospital: Though I was very weak and in much pain, I was so thankful to each nurse and the care I received If you aren't getting what you want, try doing something different! Give gratitude a try. Change takes works! It takes practice! It takes determination and commitment! Not everyone is ready for this. - "When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear" It has proven true in my life - the more thankful I am for what I have, the happier I am and the more opportunities come into my life! Mentioned in this show: VeggieTales - Madame Blueberry The Language of Letting Go - Melody Beattie Interview with Peter Sage - The Art of Charm Podcast Community Orange Magazine – Who Will You Be at the Masquerade? Run For Fun Cruise Subscription/Social Links: Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe on Stitcher Radio! LIAM on Twitter: @LifeIs262 LIAM on Facebook / LifeIsAMarathon Subscribe to the LIAM Mailing List Bruce Van Horn on Twitter Bruce Van Horn on Facebook Please share this episode with your friends and followers. You may even embed a copy of the show directly on your website!