LIAM 015 – Make Deposits Into Your Emotional Bank Account!
This episode is a continuation of Episode 14, in which I talk about the importance of your emotional bank account. This episode breaks down some practical steps for making deposits to build up your self-esteem and confidence, which will overflow into every aspect of your life. Quotes from the show: Love is the bridge between you and EVERYTHING! — Rumi Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayers. — Maya Angelou Be the change that you wish to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop. — Rumi Show outline: Building up your self-esteem, making deposits into your emotional bank account, is the most important thing you can do for yourself because it impacts all of your thoughts, decisions and actions When you love yourself and have confidence in yourself it creates success in every area of your life: business, personal, social, spiritual You cannot out-perform your self-image/worth Story of the Golden Buddha in Bangkok, Thailand Golden Buddha covered with clay in 1767 to prevent it being stolen by the Burmese invaders. The Burmese army killed everyone, so nobody knew the statue's value Real worth was undiscovered until 1955 We all are precious, valuable, creations, but have been covered with mud so our beauty isn't seen. We need to rediscover our true worth and contribute our beauty to the world! It all begins with love and gratitude Self-love is not conceited or self-centered, but it is essential to your self-esteem and self-worth Love is the bridge between you and EVERYTHING! - Rumi Learn to love and appreciate yourself and that will flow over to others When you don't love and value yourself, you sub-consciously send out a message to others that says: you shouldn't love and value me either! Express gratitude everywhere, for everything, all the time! Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayers. - Maya Angelou Let "thank you" and "I love you" be the most used phrases in your daily speech. You alone are responsible for your own self-esteem! Be intentional about working on your self-esteem. Most people don't even think about it! You may not have gotten the love you wanted/need from parents You may have suffered hard situations beyond your control You may have made mistakes--we all have. Forgive yourself. Forgive others! No matter what your self-esteem level is right now, you can increase it to any level you want It will take practice and conscious, intentional effort every day If you want it bad enough, you can produce miracles in your life! Be the change you want to see in the world! The energy you put out, WILL come back to you Give praise - genuinely recognize and praise the people around you. It makes them feel better and like you more It makes YOU feel better by noticing the goodness around you By looking for the good things in the world, you open up that part of the RAS and you will see more good things in your life! Promote what you love, instead of bashing what you hate--you get what you focus on! Focus on what you want in life, not what you don't want Personally, relationally, politically "I want to be healthy and slim," instead of "I don't want to be fat." "I want a loving, trusting, encouraging relationship," instead of "I don't want to be lied to and put down all the time." Mother Teresa said she would never attend an Anti-War or Anti-Abortion protest/rally She would only attend Pro-Peace, Pro-Life celebrations While Self-Esteem is an internal thing, it is built in relationships with other people! Socialize with other like-minded people in settings that give you energy, brightens your world Support groups, civic associations, clubs, gym memberships, church groups (encouraging fellowship)