028 | The Practicality of Manifesting a How You Can Use it to Get Everything You Want
This podcast episode is a special episode because the audio is taken from a Facebook Live I did inside of my private group Mindful Productivity with Sarah Steckler that you can join here! In this episode I'll explore: What manifesting is and why it's actually one of the most practical things you can do The one thing you need to get go of that will keep you from taking action toward what you want Specific ways you can begin the manifestation process Things that I've manifested in my life and the mindsets I set in place Visit the Blog: https://www.mindfulproductivityblog.com Subscribe to the Mindful Productivity Podcast: ️iTunes Spotify GooglePlay Stitcher Come say Hi online! ️ Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube Resources a Products: Mindful Productivity Planner Daily Productivity a Brain Dump Book Dot Grid Journals 100 Life Challenges Productive Note Taking Finding Your Way Guided Journal Podcast Notes Journal Self-Care Reboot Course Read the Blog Support the show (https://mp.vipmembervault.com/products)