020 | How to Tune Into Your Intuition to Find Your Highest Joy with Nichole Sylvester
What happens when you tap into the "illogical" side of your brain, the part where you lead with your heart and listen to that gut feeling? Nichole Sylvester joins the podcast today as we discuss the power of intuition, how trusting in the path of your highest joy can bring you to your purpose, and how unlearning can be more important than taking on more. Make sure to check out Nichole's book, OH SHIFT now available on Amazon. Learn more about Nichole at http://www.nicholesylvester.com/ Visit the Blog: https://www.mindfulproductivityblog.com Subscribe to the Mindful Productivity Podcast: ️iTunes Spotify GooglePlay Stitcher Come say Hi online! ️ Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube Resources a Products: Mindful Productivity Planner Daily Productivity a Brain Dump Book Dot Grid Journals 100 Life Challenges Productive Note Taking Finding Your Way Guided Journal Podcast Notes Journal Self-Care Reboot Course Read the Blog Support the show (https://mp.vipmembervault.com/products)