Taylor’s Voicemail about St Augustine in 50 Pages

On my birthday, March 29, 2014, the email subscribers of my blog took a vote on our next free book. I offered several free books I’d be willing to write for you as a “thank you” for your encouragement. The winning title was Augustine in 50 Pages: A Quick Layman’s Guide to Augustinianism. You can see the various book options and how the voting broke down by clicking here. My goal was to finish researching and writing the book by the feast day of Saint Augustine on August 28, 2014. I worked hard on it and put the finishing touches on it on August 29. Do you know how hard it is to squeeze Augustine into 50 pages?  Please Listen Here: Your Voicemail about the Book Here’s a short 1 minute voicemail I recorded to you telling you about the book: Click here to listen to it: Taylor’s Voicemail to you about your free book.   Here’s a photo of the final manuscript. Augustine in 50 Pages Table of Contents Here’s a sneak at the title page for the book: SAINT AUGUSTINE IN 50 PAGES title page.pdf When will you get this Free Book? The book is finished. But as you know, I am the royal king of typos (it’s a common theme in the comments box. My dad is dyslexic. Maybe I have a little bit of it.) So I need to get this Augustine manuscript professionally edited and cleaned up. Whenever that is finished, you’ll have this free book in your hands. Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages will go into paperback version and will be available for purchase at amazon soon. If you still want a free copy of Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages, sign up and get it here. Godspeed, Taylor Marshall PS: I shared this on Facebook, but I really felt that Saint Augustine was in the room with me when I wrote this book. It was a very supernatural sensation. The closest experience I’ve had as an author was writing The Catholic Perspective on Paul and my new fictional novel about Saint George, Saint Christopher, and Saint Nicholas (due after Thanksgiving). Question: Should the new title be SAINT Augustine in 50 Pages or just Augustine in 50 Pages? The reason I ask is that Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages doesn’t have the “Saint” in front of it. You can leave a comment by clicking here. The post Taylor’s Voicemail about St Augustine in 50 Pages appeared first on Taylor Marshall.

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