#032: 4 Sections of Hell [Podcast]
My goal this week is to introduce talk about the afterlife. We are in the middle of the octave of Holy Week. We are celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the dead. But it raises the question: what is meant by the dead? We also say that he “descended into Hell†and yet Christ told the good thief that he would be with Him in Paradise. All of this confuses people. So today we are going to break it all down. By the time you finish this podcast you’ll understand limbo, Christ’s descent into Hell, the Harrowing of Hell, and how the thief could be in Hell and Paradise with Christ at the same time. Are you ready? Weekly podcast joke: Four Clergyman went to the forest to evangelize a bear Tip of the week: Book 12 Week Year by Brian Moran (recommended by Josh Simmons of eCatholic) Proverb of the week: Proverbs 24:5 Featured Segment: 4 Sections of Hell Saint of the Week: Saint John Paul II Latin word of the week: Apostolicam Actuositatem Click to Listen: Podcast #032 4 Sections of Hell If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 107,377 downloads! A huge “THANK YOU” to all 164 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by clicking here and then “View in iTunes.” From there you can leave a review. I appreciate you for this! Thank you! And please subscribe (FREE) to this podcast in iTunes and get my new podcast every Wednesday morning. Please click here for an easy way to leave a question for Taylor. Podcast Archive # Title Released 031 Meet The Saint Version of You 04/16/2014 030 Should You Be an Optimist? 04/09/2014 029 Finding Fellowship like Samwise Gamgee 04/01/2014 028 Demons, Snakes, and Ticks: Lessons from a Hunting Trip 03/26/2014 027 How to Make an Eternal Impact with Your Life 03/19/2014 026 Thoughts on My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe 02/26/2014 025 Why is the Catholic Church Roman? 02/19/2014 024 The Seven Lies We Believe About Our Failures 02/11/2014 023 How to Restart Your Mental Computer 02/06/2014 022 Top Five Productivity Tips from Thomas Aquinas 01/29/2014 021 Did You Miss God’s Plan for Your Life? 01/23/2014 020 When Prayer Becomes a Chore 01/15/2014 019 12 Attributes of a Baptized Christian 01/08/2014 018 A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! 12/30/2013 017 Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained 12/18/2013 016 Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Luke (Plus How to Set Goals) 12/11/2013 015 Total Consecration to Mary 12/04/2013 014 What’s Your Apostolate? 11/27/2013 013 6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life 11/20/2013 012 Why You Should Be More Creative 11/13/2013 011 Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue? 11/06/2013 010 How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers? 10/30/2013 009 My Opinion of Martin Luther 10/23/2013 008 My Top 5 Daily Prayers 10/16/2013 007 Your Guardian Angel 10/03/2013 006 How You Can Convert 7 Billion People 09/25/2013 005 3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings! 09/18/2013 004 4 Step Plan When Family Leave the Faith 09/12/2013 003 5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life 09/04/2013 002 Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life 08/28/2013 001 How to Find a Spiritual Director 08/18/2013 The post #032: 4 Sections of Hell [Podcast] appeared first on Taylor Marshall.