#017: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained [Podcast]
Do you believed that Mary experienced a painless delivery of Christ? Did you know that the Catholic Church officially teaches that Mary experienced no pain in giving birth to our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas? Find out more in today’s podcast, plus get your Tip of the week, Proverb of the week, and Latin word of the week. Click to Listen: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here.] 1) Proverb of the Week: Prov 14:23 2) Tip of the Week: Batching 3) Featured Segment: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained Recommended book: 4) Latin Word of the Week: comprehensio Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 38,636 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 91 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by clicking here and then “View in iTunes.” From there you can leave a review. I appreciate you for this! The post #017: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained [Podcast] appeared first on Taylor Marshall.