#015: Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast]
Have you every done the Total Consecration to Mary? Our Lord Jesus Christ came from eternity and entered into time through the Blessed Virgin Mary. He has ordained that we can best know Him in that same order. Mary leads us to Jesus. As Mary herself says in St John’s Gospel, “Do whatever he tells you to do. Have you ever considered doing the 33 day consecration? If not, then this is the podcast for you. And not only are we going to talk about consecration, each week in December we’ll introduce an approved Marian apparition or devotion that you may not have heard of. This week it’s Our Lady of the Seven Veils Click to Listen: “Total Consecration to Mary If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 25:17 2) Tip of the Week: David Allen’s book Getting Things Done: Apparition of the Week: This week it’s Our Lady of the Seven Veils 3) Featured Segment: Total Consecration to Mary Calendar for Planning the Total Consecration to Mary Start of 33-day Plan Marian Feast for 34th Day 34th Day: Consecration Day 9 Jan Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes 11 Feb 20 Feb* The Annunciation 25 Mar 13 Jun Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 16 Jul 13 Jul The Assumption 15 Aug 6 Aug Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8 Sep 13 Aug Our Lady of Sorrows 15 Sep 19 Oct Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 21 Nov 5 Nov Immaculate Conception 8 Dec 9 Nov Our Lady of Guadalupe 12 Dec *make an allowance here for a leap year. 4) Latin Word of the Week: consecratio Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 32,001 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 87 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by clicking here and then “View in iTunes.” From there you can leave a review. I appreciate you for this! The post #015: Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast] appeared first on Taylor Marshall.