#002: Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life [Podcast]

Do you have passion for Christ? Are you passionate about your faith? Are you passionate about your marriage? Are you passionate about your family? Are you passionate about your occupation? If you didn’t answer “yes” to all of the above, you’re normal. However, Christ came to give us abundant life. Today we look at three ways to increase passion in your life by exploring the teaching of Thomas Aquinas on the passions. In the Q&A, we examine the problem of scrupulosity. Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches us about our passions In this show I share three tips for increasing genuine passion for God and your life. Click to Listen “Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life” 4 Part Outline of Episode #002 Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 15:22 2) Tip of the Week:  Use the Evernote app to collect thoughts, receipts, contracts, and ideas and keep them synced on all your devices. Here is the Scan Snap portable scanner that I use to scan all my documents into Evernote: Scan Snap S1300i. I love it. Joy and I use it all the time. 3) Featured Segment: How to Increase Your Passion for Life For the 11 Passions according to Saint Thomas Aquinas, please see my article The Theology of Eating Too Much Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. 4) Latin Word of the Week: cupido – lust, longing, or desire Listener Questions A reader asks about the problem of scrupulosity – when a person worries that venial sins are mortal sins and does not receive Holy Communion. Do you want to ask a question on the podcast? If you would like to ask a question (and promote your blog or apostolate), please click here to do so. Your Feedback Also, if you enjoyed the podcast, please rate it on iTunes and write one thing you liked about it. Ratings and reviews help others find the podcast! Thank you. Here’s the link to rate our podcast on iTunes! If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see or a question about an upcoming episode: You can leave a comment by clicking here. The post #002: Three Tips to Increase Your Passion for Life [Podcast] appeared first on Taylor Marshall.

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