Matt Saverin, EWMBA ’20 - From Professional Snowboarding to Equity Analyst at Goldman Sachs, to Finding Focus and Drive
Episode #09: Matt Saverin (EWMBA '20) is one of the many intriguing Haas students with unordinary backgrounds. He grew up training for professional snowboarding, had a stint in entrepreneurship in college, but somehow ended up as an Equity Analyst at Goldman Sachs. His wealth of experience and admirable focus and dedication to his crafts gives a different perspective of a Haas student who knows exactly what he's getting out of his MBA experience. The OneHaas podcast is always looking for feedback and student co-hosts to make this podcast more valuable for all the students at Haas. Our mission is to promote more interprogram connectivity of the Haas family, between the FT, EW, and Executive programs. With over 1200 Haas MBA students on campus every year, there is more to this network than meets the eye. We hope to bridge that gap ever so slightly and introduce you to people you never knew you had in your Haas network. Support this podcast at —