Episode 12: The LMS: Past, Present, and Future
About Episode 12: The Learning Management System (LMS) is often indistinguishable from online education in the minds of the uninitiated. In this episode, join hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson as they examine where the LMS has been, where it is, and where it is going. Download Transcript [PDF, RTF] Episode 12 Show Notes: Please find various show notes and resources below. Episode Synopsis via Twitter View complete list of episode highlights via Twitter Coffee Links Coffee Profile: Nicaragua Kailash (featured in this episode) Video: 5 min. mini-documentary video with the grower of Nicaragua Kailash (Don Maximo Ramos) The Vespr Coffeebar (featured in this episode) Video: 2:47 min. interview with founder (Edd Siu) of The Vespr Coffeebar Kelvin's photos of The Vespr Coffeebar Wikipedia article on "Third Spaces" such as The Vespr Coffeebar Content Links Charts and Analysis: "LMS Overview of Marketshare” (Justin Menard LISTedTECH) e-Literate blog posting on Pearson getting out of the LMS market e-Literate blog post: Data On Average Age Of Current LMS Implementation (Phill Hill) EDUCAUSE’s Next Generation Digital Learning Environment Initiative ELI’s “7 Things You Should Know About the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment” Video: BYU’s “Loosely-Coupled Gradebook” (interview of Jon Mott by Jared Stein) LMS graphic based on Campus Computing Project data Illustration of Mr-Potato-Head-As-Learning-Stack (Kyle Bowen) Phil Hill (e-Literate) posting: “Farewell to the Enterprise LMS, Greetings to the Learning Platform” Marti Harris (Gartner) article: “Building Learning Stacks for an Evolving Learning Environment” Jim Groom and Brian Lamb (EDUCAUSE Review Online) article section: “Five Arguments against the Learning Management System” Tom Cavanagh ECAR case study: “The LMS Selection Process: Practices and Considerations” Archived website documenting UCF’s last LMS migration Kelvin Thompson (OfCoursesOnline.com) podcast episode: “Why the Course Management System Is Not Going Away”