Joe and Kristin Merrill, the InterACTIVE Class, Apple Clips, Buncee, Seesaw, BookCreator and Flipgrid!
#EduDuctTape S02-E038 #EduDuctTape -- -- @JakeMillerTech -- -- Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers! Apple Podcast Reviews #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - Stickers! Want to pass some out? Want some for yourself? Certificates of Listening, Laughing, and Learning! Listen to the whole show to hear the “super-secret code”! #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - Highlights from the last chat - Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Pam Inabinett, Sarah Kiefer, Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! Jake’s Upcoming Events KySTE Spring Conference - Louisville, KY - 3.12.20 - NEOTech Conference - Akron OH - 3.17.20 - ITIP Ohio Google Summit - Sandusky, OH - 5.11-5.12.20 - Tech Meet Tuscaloosa - Tuscaloosa, Alabama - 5.29.20 - Oconee County Schools Summer Institute - Walhalla, SC - 6.9-6.10.20 WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6.12.20 - Engage Conference, San Angelo, TX - 7.15.20 Today’s SoapBox Moment - “We Don’t Have Time to Rush + Microwaveable Teaching” “We Don’t Have Time to Rush” comes from Bernard Roth’s book The Achievement Habit. Today’s Guest: Joe a Kristin Merrill Kristin and Joe share a passion for infusing EdTech into their Fourth and First Grade classrooms. Even though they teach different grades, they share one common goal: learning needs to be interactive. The Merrills put a new spin on traditional strategies and implementing technology to meet the needs of students. Contact Info: @TheMerrillsEDU on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Website: EdTech BFF Game! Educational Duct Tape Question: What are some specific tech tools that educators can use to make their classroom interactive? “Interactive Learning is learning that is responsive and relevant, that engages students.” Responsive, not Reactive Here’s a summary from this article: “Responsiveness implies thoughtful action that considers long and short term outcome in the context of the situation at hand. Reactive behavior is immediate and without conscious thought, like a knee jerk response. Reactive behavior is often driven by the emotions.” Flipgrid - Breakouts with grid passcodes Podcasting with stickers Appsmashing Joe’s tweet with the President Lincoln beard a hat Seesaw - Making sure parents are connected Analog activities can easily be shared via Seesaw Changes the question of “what did you do today?” to “how did you do it?” Buncee - Can share out directly from Buncee or through something like Seesaw Can add a range of content (GIFs, maps, 360 images, drawing tools, record video within, assessment questions, etc.) Share out as pdf or link Microsoft Immersive Reader built-in Can assign Buncees and have kids submit Can ask questions or build assessments within slides, kind of like Nearpod or Pear Deck Combines Google Slides-like creation features along with NearPod/Pear Deck like assessment features Ideas Lab OneNote integration allows teacher to keep all Buncees in one location BookCreator - The ability to share out (to parents, etc.) from the tool is important Content from the Duct Taper Community Apple Podcasts Review - Moomooforyoubabydoll3333 Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @KristaHach @AbramsTank95 @ehlmstech New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @alextvalencic, @chelsea_hurst1, @Joshua__Stamper, @Mrs_EDarnell, @mrs_schlecht, @RLEdsall, @SangareeSchool, @TheiTeamHawk #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Response: Krista Hachadoorian