Jared Cooney Horvath, “Stop Talking, Start Influencing | 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick,” Memorizing Vocabulary or New Languages, Closed Captioning, Sketchnoting, Collaborative Notes and eBooks

#EduDuctTape S02-E034 #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers!  Apple Podcast Reviews FlipGrid.com/EduDuctTape #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/ducttapers Certificates of Listening, Laughing, and Learning! EduDuctTape.com/certificate Listen to the whole show to hear the “super-secret code”! #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - bit.ly/EduDuctTapeCalendar Highlights from the last chat - jakemiller.net/eduducttape-twitter-chat-12-18-19 Seah Fahey a Karly Moura’s “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators” - Section 2 focuses on Twitter Chats - drive.google.com/file/d/1wrMWGN6QyrICGNis1SwLQOHlbfze3vpt/view Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett a Sarah Kiefer! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! jakemiller.net/newsletter Jake’s Upcoming Events Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - kent.edu/rcet/innovating-teaching-learning Session 2 - 2.7.20,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.-  Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference) - 2.11.20-2.13.20 Revere Schools, OH - 2.14.20 KySTE Spring Conference - 3.12.20 - kyste.org/Content2/conference Tech Meet Tuscaloosa - Tuscaloosa, Alabama - 5.29.20 uatmt.weebly.com WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6.12.20 - witconf.org ISTE - 6.30.20 ***Vote for the #EduDuctTape Panel*** conference.iste.org/2020/peopleschoice/proposal_detail.php?sessionid=113427428 Engage Conference, San Angelo, TX - 7.15.20 Book Jake as a Speaker! - JakeMiller.net/Speaking SoapBox Moment - “ Less of the Science and Much More of the Art” Daniel Burrus - wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Burrus StartEdUp Episode - soundcloud.com/don-wettrick/ep-79-daniel-burrus-on-anticipating-innovation Today’s Guest: Jared Cooney Horvath, Phd, MEd Jared is an award-winning cognitive neuroscientist, best-selling author and renowned keynote speaker with an expertise in human learning, memory, and brain stimulation. In 2018, Jared co-founded LME Global to bring his pioneering brain and behavioral research to teachers, students and professionals seeking a boost in their performance. Lmeglobal.net Book: Stop Talking, Start Influencing | 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick - lmeglobal.net/stop-talking-start-influencing-book Order here on Amazon 2 Truths a 1 Lie Question #1: How can students learn sets of vocabulary words in more “sticky” ways? Goals: recall, spacing, find the narrative Super Memo - iOS, Android Memrise - memrise.com Quizlet - quizlet.com Context-dependent learning Lock performance to practice OR vary context Strategies for transfer and memory The Fast a The Curious EduProtocol The books - https://www.eduprotocols.com/purchase-books Jon Corippo - @jcorippo Jon’s episode - eduducttape.libsyn.com/jon-corippo-eduprotocols-formative-assessment-quizizz-gimkit-socrative-formative-cue-the-fast-amp-the-curious-nacho-paragraphs-and-more Marlena Hebern -  @mhebern                     More Questions: Is closed captioning beneficial for learners without auditory handicaps in videos a live presentations? “You learn less than if you would have just shut your eyes and listened or shut your ears and looked at the words.” Are giving notes beneficial for learners with auditory handicaps?  What about learners without auditory handicaps? Universal Design for Learning Blended Learning Sketch noting Sketch-noting a doodling Give time for recall  Collaborative note-taking Jared recommends doing collaborative note-taking after live discussions or lectures (or at breaks in the discussion)  Spatial recall - ebooks Screen-reading negatively impacts learning a memory if content is more than 3 pages We expect to use a screen a certain way “Form follows function” - Louis Sullivan     Content from the Duct Taper Community This Episode’s Apple Podcast Review: Mr. Gway    

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