Dr. Sheldon Eakins, Leading Equity, Culture, Community, Disruptive Discourse, Skype-A-Scientist, Parlay, Flipgrid, Pear Deck, NearPod, Google Forms and more

#EduDuctTape S02-E033 #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers!  Apple Podcast Reviews FlipGrid.com/EduDuctTape #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/ducttapers Certificates of Listening, Laughing, and Learning! EduDuctTape.com/certificate Listen to the whole show to hear the “super-secret code”! #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - bit.ly/EduDuctTapeCalendar Highlights from the last chat - jakemiller.net/eduducttape-twitter-chat-12-4-19 Seah Fahey a Karly Moura’s “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators” - Section 2 focuses on Twitter Chats - drive.google.com/file/d/1wrMWGN6QyrICGNis1SwLQOHlbfze3vpt/view Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Benjamin Voss, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Joshua Hough, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett a Sarah Kiefer! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! jakemiller.net/newsletter Jake’s Upcoming Events Castleberry, TX - Digital Learning Day - 1.6.20 Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - kent.edu/rcet/innovating-teaching-learning - Session 2 - 2.7.20,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.-  Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference) - 2.11.20-2.13.20 Revere Schools, OH - 2.14.20 KySTE Spring Conference - 3.12.20 - kyste.org/Content2/conference WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6.12.20 - witconf.org Jake on Other Podcasts - Aspire Podcast 11.28.19 Episode Book Jake as a Speaker! - JakeMiller.net/Speaking SoapBox Moment - “Guitar Hero, Weddings a Flow” Daniel Pink, “Drive” - danpink.com/drive. Quotes come from Pages 111, 115 a 133 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” - amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Experience-Perennial-Classics/dp/0061339202 Today’s Guest: Dr. Sheldon Eakins Sheldon L. Eakins, Ph.D. is the Founder of the Leading Equity Center and host of the Leading Equity Podcast. Dr. Eakins has a passion for helping educators accomplish equitable practices in their schools. He facilitates an online course entitled Teaching Through A Culturally Diverse Lens available on his website www.leadingequitycenter.com Contact Info: Twitter: @sheldoneakins, Website: leadingequitycenter.com, Email: sheldon@leadingequitycenter.com, Podcast: Leading Equity The Leading Equity Virtual Summit - leadingequitycenter.com/summit2020 Teaching Through A Culturally Diverse Lens Course - sheldoneakins.com/course 2 Truths a 1 Lie Question #1: How can we integrate student’s cultures and communities into the instruction? #LeadingEquity 97: 4 Things to Consider in the Pursuit of Fostering Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms Know your students Surveys (Google Forms, Microsoft Forms,  etc.)  “Race does matter, as does culture don’t ignore it.” Use the information that you gather “Promote a Decolonial Atmosphere” is part of Getting Started with Educational Equity: 10 Steps to Get you on the Right Path Towards Leading Equity, which you can get by signing up at leadingequitycenter.com Flipgrid - flipgrid.com Synth - gosynth.com Stacey Roshan episode - eduducttape.libsyn.com/stacey-roshan-tech-with-heart-flipped-classroom-flipgrid-peardeck-wacom-tablets-and-chutes-amp-ladders Mike Mohammad episode - https://eduducttape.libsyn.com/mike-mohammad-peardeck-flipgrid-shorts-camera-nearpod-the-answer-pad-classkick-formative-seesaw-google-sites-digital-portfolios-learner-profiles-student-voice Skype-a-Scientist - SkypeAScientist.com Flipgrid Guest Mode - blog.flipgrid.com/news/guestmode Flipgrid Grid Pals - blog.flipgrid.com/news/gridpals Jornea Armant episode - eduducttape.libsyn.com/jornea-armant-flipgrid-seesaw-video-tools-connections-to-families-gridpals-virtual-field-trips-global-learning-connections-adobe-spark-wevideo-screencastify-screencast-o-matic-nimbus-loom-wonderopolis-amp-more Question #2: How can we promote disruptive discourse? Promoting discourse that is willing to break up traditional practices in favor of best practices Dr. James Banks - education.uw.edu/people/faculty/jbanks  Contributions Method - “sprinkle in” Additive Method - Teach with a diverse lens Transformative Method Social Action Approach More about those 4 methods: teachingforchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Banks_James.pdf Dr. Michael Domínguez - sheldoneakins.com/michaeldominguez Discussion Platforms that I added in: Flipgrid - Flipgrid.com Synth - gosynth.com Voicethread - voicethread.com BackChannelChat.com Yo! Teach - yoteachapp.com Google Classroom Padlet - Padlet.com Schoology - Schoology.com Parlay - parlayideas.com Ways to handle these discussions with technology: Google Forms - google.com/forms/about Pear Deck - peardeck.com NearPod - nearpod.com People to follow in regards to “Techquity” Dr. Sarah Thomas - @sarahdateechur Dee Lanier - @deelanier, deelanier.net, SolveInTime.com, #SolveIT Dr. Will Dayemport - @iamDrWill, thedrwillshowpodcast.simplecast.fm Dr. Kari Kokka - @karikokka, creatingbalanceconference.org Ken Shelton - @k_shelton, kennethshelton.net Content from the Duct Taper Community This Episode’s Apple Podcast Review: JacquePearl Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @craigklement @AngelaGreene12 @Auen_Ed_Tech @DaraKappel New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @Barton_IT, @BecStyne, @ChampionChatFM, @EduAdiyogi, @elenguz01, @kystetech, @missusem, @MrsLumbreras, @sdcthailand, @SinghAadiyogi, @SlidesManiaSM, @stephvchambers, @TaraMartinEDU, @TechSavvy_Teach #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Responses: Felipe Rimmer Jen Leban  

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