Sethi De Clercq, Video in the Classroom, Sharing Tech Tips with Teachers, EdPuzzle, Screencasting, Flipgrid, Nimbus, Loom, iPad Video, Backchannel Chats
#EduDuctTape S02-E032 #EduDuctTape -- -- @JakeMillerTech -- -- Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers! Apple Podcast Reviews #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - Certificates of Listening, Laughing, and Learning! Listen to the whole show to hear the “super-secret code”! Shake Up Learning Affiliate Link: #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - Highlights from the last chat - Seah Fahey a Karly Moura’s “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators” - Section 2 focuses on Twitter Chats - Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Benjamin Voss, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Joshua Hough, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett a Sarah Kiefer! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! Jake’s Upcoming Events Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - Session 1 - 12.6.19, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Educational Duct Tape: Viewing #EdTech as a Set of Tools to Address Learning Goals a Solve Problems in the Classroom Session 2 - TBD, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.- Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid Cy Fair Ed Tech Live - 12.7.19 - 9:00 AM-12:45 PM CST - Castleberry, TX - Digital Learning Day - 1.6.20 OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference) - 2.11.20-2.13.20 Revere Schools, OH - 2.14.20 WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6.12.20 - Book Jake as a Speaker! - SoapBox Moment - “Skirts, Dresses, a Doing Better” “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Dr. Maya Angelou “Being the change takes practice. Not the kind that you do until it’s perfect. The kind that you do because it’s worth it.” - Toney Jackson - Today’s Guest: Sethi De Clercq Sethi is passionate about technology integration and how this impacts education and student learning. He is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, Google Innovator and Computing Subject leader. He loves training in-person at events and online through his YouTube Channel with tips, tricks and tutorials. Twitter: @sdcthailand YouTube: Flipped Classroom Tutorials - Blog: Email: Sethi’s Translate video - 2 Truths a 1 Lie Question #1: What would be the best way to communicate and share tech-related tips and content with teachers who don't even open emails or have little planning time? I've tried a Google Classroom, newsletters (Adobe Spark, Google newsletter templates), emails, etc. Would love to hear some new ideas! audience submitted question, Cathy Zandecki Part of the issue is communicating with people who are uncomfortable with tech through technology. Communicate via paper-based Potty PD, Copier PD Use multiple different communication techniques: email, Google Classroom, newsletter, paper flyers, mention at meetings Make sure you’re consistently bringing value in order to keep your “audience” listening Use visual design, possibly color-coding How to decide when to give up on a strategy? Concrete observations Watch what happens if you do take it away Sethi: “It’s not about you. It’s the same as with your students: if they’re starting to use a technique or something that you’ve taught them, you’re not there for the credit. You’re not doing that so that they’ll say ‘So-and-so taught me this.’ No, no no, they’ve got this now! That is the reward!” Question #2: How can we leverage the power of video to impact student learning? EdPuzzle An expanded version of Jakes’ “beard a glasses” story - Episode 11 Don’t over-use video Sethi: All teachers and students should create video! Screencasting Flipgrid Sethi’s recommendation: keep videos used in the classroom short; 2 minutes Interaction built into video can be helpful Be present and available for students when they’re viewing the video Break up a video on Google Slides to make it smaller chunks Put video onto Google Sites and use Insert Learning to embed questions Use a backchannel chat tool - Yo Teach - Students creating video iPad screen recorders Explain Everything - Built-in iOS screen recorder Chromebook screencasting Nimbus screen recorder does screenshots and video, no limited amount of time a no watermark, premium allows HD, limited editing options - Loom extension, limited editing options Screencastify a Screencast-o-matic have time limits Limitations are editing Quicktime on Mac Game Recording on PC Camtasia on Mac or PC Sethi on choosing which tool to have students use: “It is whatever works for you, because I’m not there to see how you’re using a tool or how you’re using the tech. I want to see did you actually understand what we talked about? Did you get the content rather than the tool.” Content from the Duct Taper Community This Episode’s Apple Podcast Reviews: Kimberly Wren Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @MannyDiscoTech @MrsJHartman @MrsPaden1st @54Mr_Meyer @kiefersj @mathwitz New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @AndeleeEspinosa, @annkozma723, @DayCatherineM, @EdTechIbby, @gippytweets, @IleneWinokur, @jeffgargas, @jmillersclass, @JoeTerbrack, @joliboucher, @jsnhubbard, @maramalafronte, @MathDenisNJ, @MrCoachK15, @MrMichaelEtter, @MrsBremTweets, @MrsJHartman, @mshongELA, @peterghorner, @SarahEWalker2, @Savvy_Educator, @TeachParentEat, @tntedtech #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Responses: Michael Brilla Linda Hummer