David Ternent, STEM, Virtual a Augmented Reality, Engineering, 3D Printing, 3D Modeling, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), SolidWorks, TinkerCAD, OnShape, SketchUp, AutoDesk, VR, Google Cardboard, Unity, Oculus Rift, HTC

#EduDuctTape S02-E030 #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com   Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers! Apple Podcast Reviews FlipGrid.com/EduDuctTape #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues The Duct Tapers Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/ducttapers #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - bit.ly/EduDuctTapeCalendar Highlights from the last chat - jakemiller.net/eduducttape-twitter-chat-10-23-19 Seah Fahey a Karly Moura’s “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators” - Section  2 focuses on Twitter Chats - drive.google.com/file/d/1wrMWGN6QyrICGNis1SwLQOHlbfze3vpt/view Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! Alex Oris, Amy Huckaby, Angela Green, Benjamin Voss, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Joshua Hough, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett a Sarah Kiefer! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! jakemiller.net/newsletter Make sure you identify the messages as “Important”!  And get them out of SPAM or Promotions! Jake’s Upcoming Events Teacher Success Summit - online - 10/28-11/2/19 - bit.ly/jaketeachersuccess  (full disclosure: this is an affiliate link, if you pay for full access, I will get a portion of the $) MiGoogle Conference - Linden, MI - 11/5/19 - miedtech.com Teach Better! Conference - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - 11/8/19 a 11/9/19 - teachbetterconference.com - **use the code Friends50** Ideastream Technology a Learning Conference - Cleveland, OH, Mini-Keynote - 11/20/19 - ideastream.org/become-a-2019-tech-conference-presenter Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - kent.edu/rcet/innovating-teaching-learning Session 1 - November 22, 2019,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Educational Duct Tape: Viewing #EdTech as a Set of Tools to Address Learning Goals a Solve Problems in the Classroom Session 2 - December 6, 2019,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.- Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid WITCon (Whatever It Takes Conferences) - Galesburg, Ill - 6/12/20 - witconf.org Book Jake as a Speaker! - JakeMiller.net/Speaking Jake on other Podcasts Planning Period Podcast - bradshreffler.com/podcast/jake-miller-why-educators-shouldnt-feel-inadequate Brad’s #EduDuctTape Quotes:  “...the most bonkers show I’ve ever listened to that is also super informative.” “This is basically like if Pee Wee Herman did his own education podcast, is what this sound like sometimes.” SoapBox Moment - “Browsing through the Hardware Store” “When you go to the hardware store to buy a new drill bit, you don’t really want a drill bit. You want a hole.” - Dr. Ralph Granger via Mike Muir moreverbs.info/2018/03/13/lets-focus-on-the-learning Today’s Guest:  David Ternent Dave is a 7th grade STEM Teacher in the Stow-Munroe Falls City School District in Ohio. He has taught various Science classes at the MS a HS levels. He was selected to participate in NASA's Space Academy for Educators. He has been awarded grants from the GAR Foundation for 3D printing and Virtual Reality (VR). Most recently, he was selected to participate in the Fulbright Japan ICT Teacher Exchange in HI (fulbright.jp/eng/jusec/index.html) Contact Info: email: st_ternent_1@smfcsd.org; Twitter: @dave_ternent Which of the following would be less torturous?  Wear someone else's underwear or use someone else's toothbrush? Have an embarrassing message pop up on your computer screen during a presentation to the staff or students? Question #1: How can students create prototypes of designs to show comprehension of class content? TinkerCAD - web-based, any device, free, elementary and up, made by AutoDesk, great for younger students (probably 3rd grade up) - tinkercad.com OnShape - web-based, cloud-based, any device, free accounts for educators, middle school and up - onshape.com Use metric measurements to work effectively with a 3D printer Has a learning center tutorial and great instructional materials available Fundamentals of CAD course - recommends doing the first 3 levels, which will take about 3-4 weeks of ~45 minute class periods Can model with different materials and determine mass, volume, density, etc. SolidWorks - PC only (we confirmed after recording), software, paid, but has an educational price, high school and up, possibly some middle schoolers. - solidworks.com More time consuming to learn Can model with different materials and determine mass, volume, density, etc. AutoDesk Inventor - software, PC only, free for students, high school and up, possibly some middle schoolers - autodesk.com/products/inventor/overview Can model with different materials and determine mass, volume, density, etc. Trimble SketchUp - intermediate grades (4th grade) up, web-based or software, free or paid, not great for 3D printing - sketchup.com/products/sketchup-for-schools 3D Model Warehouse contains historical and geographically relevant items a locations like the Globe Theater Students can make historically or geographically relevant locations or architecture like medieval castles Everything to scale AutoDesk Fusion 360 - simpler than Inventor, hybrid web-based/software, middle school and up, free with school email addresses - autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/overview Use 3D models in simulations, like rockets in simulators Question #2: How can students represent content-related locations? Google Street View app on phone iOS - apps.apple.com/us/app/google-street-view/id904418768 Android - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.street Google Tour Creator - vr.google.com/tourcreator Amanda’s tweet - twitter.com/JakeMillerTech/status/1160560275537453056  360 Cameras Ricoh Theta - ~$250 - theta360.com Vuze Camera - vuze.camera - more expensive, HD, 360 images, 180 images, spatial sound YouTube with cardboard Unity - game engine, 3D first-person programming, programming in the “inside of a sphere,” software-based on PC or Mac, view 360 on phone or send to headset like Oculus Rift or Vive - unity.com Free education software available - unity.com/learn/education Professional grade, but works for middle school and up Playcanvas.com  is an online game engine like Unity. Free and paid. Available on all devices. Blender - 3D animator - blender.org Oculus Rift, Rift S (newer version), Quest (computer in headset) - oculus.com HTC Vive - more for art and design’ - vive.com Create 3D models from within Rift or Vive Tiltbrush works with both - tiltbrush.com Jimmy Fallon - youtube.com/watch?v=amI67JUsbV4 Glen Keane - youtube.com/watch?v=B21t8EpIxUk Augmented reality - HoloLens - microsoft.com/en-us/hololens Jake trying out HoloLens: twitter.com/dave_ternent/status/786272461834911744 twitter.com/JakeMillerTech/status/786286088658808832 Extensions into other classes Content from the Duct Taper Community This Episode’s Apple Podcast Review: Cindy Moorman Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @BryonCar @Msbrandynew @AngelaGreene12 @33heupel New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @americaterraza2 @anafimerav @BakerDana2424 @cmwatson2010 @deelanier @DonahueCathy @jamesvarlack @JenMitchellEDU @KathleenCorley @kilgoretech @MandiTolenEDU @MeganNaglik @minnowdfly @mrsbooz @mrsmapess @nzlawnbowler @PlanetKEd @polonerd @RebeccaStigge @RogerDColby @roryaileen @sattlercyber @teachbetterteam @teachmomrepeat @techcoachjuarez @TxTechChick #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Response: Dana Klement                                

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