Mike Mohammad, PearDeck, FlipGrid Shorts Camera, NearPod, The Answer Pad, ClassKick, Formative, Seesaw, Google Sites, Digital Portfolios, Learner Profiles, Student Voice

#EduDuctTape S02-E028  #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com Ways to Support the Show or Connect with Jake a other Duct Tapers!  Apple Podcast Reviews FlipGrid.com/EduDuctTape #EduDuctTape on social media Telling your friends a colleagues ***The Duct Tapers Facebook Group!*** - facebook.com/groups/ducttapers #EduDuctTape Twitter Chats Access the calendar! - bit.ly/EduDuctTapeCalendar Highlights from the last chat - jakemiller.net/eduducttape-twitter-chat-9-25-19 Seah Fahey a Karly Moura’s “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter for Educators” - Section  2 focuses on Twitter Chats - drive.google.com/file/d/1wrMWGN6QyrICGNis1SwLQOHlbfze3vpt/view Thanks to The Mighty Ducts! The newly formed team of educators helping out with various aspects of the show are Alex Oris, Angela Green, Benjamin Voss, Brandy New, Dan Stitzel, David Allan, Jennifer Conti, Joshua Hough, Kimberly Wren, Lisa Marie Bennett, Matt Meyer, Melinda Vandevort, Melissa Van Heck, Molly Klodor, Nanci Greene, Pam Inabinett a Sarah Kiefer! The JakeMillerTech Newsletter - Sign up! jakemiller.net/newsletter Make sure you identify the messages as “Important”!  And get them out of SPAM or Promotions! Jake’s Upcoming Events Tecumseh Local Schools, OH - 10/4/19 Twinsburg City Schools, OH - 10/9/19 Quincy Conference, Illinois - 10/11/19 - quincyconference.com TCCA Conference - Houston, TX - 10/26/19 - tccaconference.com MiGoogle Conference - Linden, MI - 11/5/19 - miedtech.com Teach Better! Conference - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - 11/8/19 a 11/9/19 - teachbetterconference.com Ideastream Technology a Learning Conference - Cleveland, OH, Mini-Keynote - 11/20/19 - ideastream.org/become-a-2019-tech-conference-presenter Educational Duct Tape Workshop Series at Kent State University Research Center for Educational Technology - kent.edu/rcet/innovating-teaching-learning Session 1 - November 22, 2019,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Educational Duct Tape: Viewing #EdTech as a Set of Tools to Address Learning Goals a Solve Problems in the Classroom Session 2 - December 6, 2019,  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.- Educational Duct Tape Toolbox Focus Session: Flipgrid Book Jake as a Speaker! - JakeMiller.net/Speaking Jake on other Podcasts Flippin’ Good Tech, the ConnectED Tech Podcast Video - youtube.com/watch?v=XgMxsJ-zgOM Audio - podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/connected-tech-s1-e5-all-about-eduduct-tape-gifs-jake/id1454717614?i=1000447201454 SoapBox Moment - “Effective vs. Impressive” “Being impressive is not the goal.  Being effective is.” Today’s Guest: Mike Mohammad Mike has been in the secondary science classroom for the past 19 years. He has taught a wide range of courses including, biology, chemistry, and physics. He currently teaches physics at Brookfield Central High School in Brookfield, WI. His passion in education is designing structures that give all learners more autonomy over their education. Contact Info: Twitter: @mo_physics  Blog: mophysicsmoproblems.blogspot.com Getting Started with Pear Deck ebook https://www.peardeck.com/pear-deck-blog/how-to-handbook Co-author for eBook - Mary Alys Foutz Creator's Guide to Flipgrid Camera a Shorts bit.ly/flipgridcamera One of those early tweets from Mike’s time beta-testing the Shorts Camera - twitter.com/Mo_physics/status/1148587039811612675 2 Truths a 1 Lie Question #1: How can educators provide opportunities for "student voice"? Voice is different from Choice - find a way to hear their voice and/or share their opinions PearDeck - PearDeck.com Mike’s 3 questions: What helped your learning? What didn’t help your learning? What’s something you’ve seen or done elsewhere that could benefit your learning here? Answers are attached to students, which informs the teacher.  The teacher knows the name, but on the screen they are anonymous. Formative Assessment that can guide instruction, Feedback PearDeck Question Types - Multiple Choice, Text Response, Numerical Answer (appears on a number line), Drawing Slide (on blank or on image), Draggable Slides - help.peardeck.com/the-five-interactive-question-types Premium Version adds on Teacher Dashboard, ability to see names attached to responses in realtime (free can see it after the session), increased draggable a drawing slide functionality.  More free vs. premium details here - peardeck.com/pricing Mike uses PearDeck for his quizzes in order to make them “assessment FOR learning” Make sure that students see their responses used in some way. PearDeck vs. NearPod vs. The Answer Pad vs. ClassKick vs. Formative Nearpod.com TheAnswerPad.com Classkick.com GoFormative.com Flipgrid - flipgrid.com Question #2: How can learners create a profile of themselves as a learner to share with an audience beyond the classroom? Seesaw - seesaw.me Google Sites - sites.google.com Mike’s students create: Passion Page - add videos about their interests, hobbies, etc. 1 Page per unit Easy connections to YouTube, Drive, etc. Google Sites after graduation SiteMaestro - cloudlab.newvisions.org/legacy-apps#h.p_2b3wi5hYx7uE New Visions Cloud Lab - cloudlab.newvisions.org Joe Marquez’ Google Sites Template Strategy Joe's how-to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLSmsHt_MhIafeature=youtu.be Joe interviewed on the Google Teacher Tribe - googleteachertribe.com/how-to-create-google-sites-templates-with-joe-marquez-gtt083 You can embed just about anything on a Google Site! Embedding Google Slides on site Embedding Flipgrid videos on site Students can access their videos at my.flipgrid.com Embedding webpages on site Embed Wakelet PearDeck - in premium, students receive a Google Doc from each PearDeck experience that shows each slide and their responses - help.peardeck.com/use-takeaways-to-extend-your-lesson-and-give-students-feedback Content from the Duct Taper Community This Episode’s Apple Podcast Reviews:  EdTechAntics Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet) @Mo_physics @edteCheatham @mrsleban @jonboag81 @hartel30 @kiefersj New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @allison12805_de, @bcahrens, @BradShreffler, @canvascasters, @DillsMelissa1, @dleeming2, @dsdPD, @EllieKousidis, @IHMSMorrison, @jenschin, @JMKotchEdD, @jzitrin, @kellyinhk, @MelVandevort, @PfenningLauren, @rcet_ksu, @sra_ahansen, @TallTechyTeach, @tech_letics, @techycrayons #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Responses: Wendy Cohen Chad Starko                                          

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