Karly Moura, Computer Science, Scratch, FlipGrid, WeVideo, Adobe Spark, YouTube Studio, Templates, CSinSF.org, Wakelet
Karly Moura, Computer Science, Scratch, FlipGrid, WeVideo, Adobe Spark, YouTube Studio, Templates, CSinSF.org, Wakelet - EDT007 Show Notes Educational Duct Tape FlipGrid Community - access at flipgrid.com/eduducttape or EduDuctTape.com Abbey Thomas - @MrsTechPig WeVideo - wevideo.com WeVideo Paid Plans - wevideo.com/sign-up#tab_education Michael Feldman - @feldmantech Adobe Spark - spark.adobe.com/about/video YouTube Video Editor - support.google.com/youtube/answer/7477160?hl=en Jake’s SoapBox Tim Kight - @TimothyKight Focus3 - focus3.com the R Factor - E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) - focus3.com/the-r-factorThe other R - Reflection E+R=O Wristbands - focus3.com/store/wristbands “Educators have to be reflective professionals. If you’re not reflecting, you’re not giving yourself a chance to grow.” A snapshot of Jake’s student-paced course - drive.google.com/open?id=1UpYUd4oxOoQ4JsTtgaMYtkCZiWpUaCQL Today’s Guest: Karly Moura - Karly is a Teacher on Special Assignment in the Mount Diablo Unified School District in Northern California. She currently provides support to teachers integrating technology and teaches Computer Science to all K-5 students at Sun Terrace Elementary STEM Magnet School in Concord, California. Contact Info: @karlymoura, blog karlymoura.blogspot.com, PD resources bit.ly/KarlyMoura, kdmoura@gmail.com FlipGrid eBook - bit.ly/flipgridebook3 Wakelet eBook - bit.ly/wakeletebook The EdTech Buddy Game Sean Fahey - @SeanJFahey 2 Truths a 1 Lie Matt Miller - @JMattMiller Question #1: How can students create content to teach their classmates about a historical figure? (ie, each student does a different president) Ryan O’Donnell (@CreativeEdTech) Templates - creativeedtech.weebly.com/templates.html - including: Time Magazine People Magazine Twitter Profile Facebook Profile Also check out Ryan a Brian Briggs’ “Check This Out” Podcast! - checkthisoutsite.weebly.com ChatterPix - duckduckmoose.com/educational-iphone-itouch-apps-for-kids/chatterpix/ Blabberize - Blabberize.com Google Slides Hack for ChatterPix/Blabberize - jakemiller.net/google-slides-hack-chatterpix-blabberize Karly’s American Revolution HyperDoc Unit with a Historical Figure Scratch Activity - docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YGmL7DzKK7L6sJKEolAJkM5fPM2qPTLGC3c0kP-MVdo/edit#slide=id.g2a9ca804f6_0_0 EdTweet Text and Snap by Mr. Teachnology (Jay Murphy) - chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edtweet-text-and-snap/hodndjmaknljbbjpmmpffpidoahkgibh?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon FlipGrid as historical figures - FlipGrid.com Scratch Question #2: How can teachers prepare students for jobs that don’t yet exist? Scratch - Scratch.mit.edu design thinking engineering design process Computer Science Google Slides Closed Captioning - blog.google/outreach-initiatives/accessibility/whats-you-say-present-captions-google-slides “Teach students to be problem finders, not just problem solvers.” Don Wettrick - StartEdUp Podcast - “Run to the problems” - startedupinnovation.com EduDuctTape.com - Karly said I should put a link in! :-D CSinSF.org Scope a Sequence - csinsf.org/pk-12-scope--sequence.html Bryan Twarek - @btwarek - twitter.com/btwarek Bill Marsland - @BillMarsland - twitter.com/billmarsland Owen Peery - @OwenPeery - twitter.com/owenpeery Dan Pink - “The Puzzle of Motivation” Ted Talk - ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation?language=en Owen Peery’s Ditch That Textbook guest blog post - ditchthattextbook.com/2018/12/03/beyond-the-hour-of-code-20-free-lessons-for-teaching-computer-science/ Connect with Karly: @karlymoura blog karlymoura.blogspot.com PD resources bit.ly/KarlyMoura, including her upcoming Computer Science in K-2 presentation kdmoura@gmail.com Feedback and Shares from Duct Tapers: Alex Oris’ COPPA Law Resource - coppa.mroristech.com Jaime Chanter’s Takeaway Visual - twitter.com/JChanter22/status/1091031371961765888 #EduDuctTape - EduDuctTape.com - JakeMillerTech@gmail.com