EP 09: Will Stanhope — The Injury Process, Trad Climbing Tips, and More Climbing Less Training
Will Stanhope is a professional rock climber with many notable ascents in the realm of single and multi-pitch trad climbing, free-soloing, and cutting edge first ascents. We talked about Will’s recent freak accident and broken finger, the injury process, trad climbing tips, pushing through fear vs. listening to fear, and a case for more climbing/less training. Support on Patreon: patreon.com/thenuggetclimbing Show Notes: http://thenuggetclimbing.com/episodes/will-stanhope Nuggets: 2:14 – The cruxes of dating internationally as a Canadian 3:00 – Freedom of the Wheels 4:35 – Will’s recent accident and finger injury, modern medicine, and getting the hardware removed 6:56 – “It’s the easy ground that gets you.” 7:14 – Running, rehab, flow state, and a day of easy soloing 9:15 – Having goals and listening to the body, numb scar tissue and Will’s freak accident, and Will’s finger X-Ray 11:03 – Filling the void while injured, “There’s more to life than climbing”, and fly fishing plans 14:09 – FFA of the ‘Tom Egan Memorial Route’ in the Bugaboos, and lots of rainy tent time 15:59 – History of the ‘Tom Egan Memorial Route’ and the pretties crack Will has ever seen 17:06 – “The perfect training recipe” (i.e. manual labor + hangboard repeaters), Will’s thoughts on hard tips crack climbing, and why the rest of us should exercising caution when it comes to hard crack climbing 20:56 – Soloing as a part of Will’s training, and a case for climbing more 22:03 – Guiding and getting recognized for past accomplishments 23:28 – Shifting away from hardcore projecting, and the Howzer Tower linkup w/ Leo Holding 26:30 – Simulclimbing, finding the right partner, and (contrived) climbing games 30:18 – Future projects, getting into mountain climbing, and “wielding all the swords” 32:03 – Headpointing vs. soloing, pushing through fear vs. listening to fear, and backing off 34:16 – Keeping soloing “safe” 35:09 – Downclimbing: “The lost art” 36:37 – Free soloing in Froggat (10+ years ago), trying ‘Parthian Shot’ and breaking his foot, and climbing ‘Muy Caliente’ 39:07 – The E-grade system 40:33 – What Will learned from climbing with Leo 42:00 – “You can’t skip learning”, and why Will keeps his goals to himself nowadays 44:12 – Bouldering 45:02 – Will’s trad climbing tips for racking up, and polysporin (or neosporin) for gobies 47:15 – “More climbing, less training” 49:19 – Will’s hangboarding protocol 50:22 – Pushups and training opposing muscles and core stability 51:59 – What Will wishes he’d known at age 20 (he’s currently 33 years old) “Trust your own instincts” 52:44 – What Will wishes he’d known at age 30 - “Always really clean your climbing shoes” 53:22 – Will’s Anthony Bourdain kick 55:20 – Grateful to be alive 55:51 – Excited to get back in the game 56:31 – Will’s Instagram, ‘Freedom of the Wheels’ sequel, wrap up