What We Need to Know to Manage the Pandemic’s Impact on Teaching the Whole Child
COVID-19 had increased the intensity of the needs students have, the range of needs students have, and the prevalence of those needs. In this episode, we discuss what every educator needs to know to manage the pandemic’s impact on teaching the whole child. @SeanTSlade @bamradionetwork@Katepechacek @ASCD @a_rebora @Illuminateed @jonHarper70bd @bamradionetwork #classroomstrategies Kate Pechacek, Director of Solutions Engineering at Illuminate Education, has nearly 25 years of experience in teaching and learning. She started out in the classroom as a secondary math teacher before taking on roles as Secondary Curriculum Coordinator, District MTSS Coordinator, and Director of Secondary Education. At Illuminate, she works with educators nationwide to help them deepen and enrich their approaches to equity and leveraging data to support each student. Sean Slade, director of Whole Child Programs at ASCD, has more than two decades in education,--writing on topics related to the whole child and health and well-being. Host Penny Reinart, Chief Impact Officer of ASCD, is a lifetime educator of 39 years. A two-time Teacher of the Year award winner, she has 18 years of classroom experience working with K–8 students.