Learning to Challenge Racial Color Blindness in School
The idea that racism does not exist or is of little consequence has gained traction in the country. How does this belief impact schools, school leaders, teachers, and students? Joins us as we unpack this timely question and understand why we need to challenge this notion. Follow on Twitter: @DrVMayfield @ASCD @a_rebora @jonHarper70bd @bamradionetwork #classroomstrategies Vernita Mayfield has served as a secondary school principal, researcher and educational consultant. She founded Leadervation Learning to support organizations seeking to build leadership capacity, particularly in marginalized communities. She is the author of a new book – Cultural Competency Now (ASCD). She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Innovation, and an Ed.S. in Educational Administration from the University of Colorado, Denver. She earned an MBA in Business Administration from California State University, San Bernardino.