Taking the Usual Stress out of Grading During the Very Unusual School Year Ahead of Us
For students and teachers, there is so much riding on the grades we give that stress comes with the routine grading process. This school year will be very unusual, with the potential to add more stress to the process of grading accurately and fairly. Join us for a discussion on how to reduce or remove grading stress during the school year ahead. Follow on Twitter: @ASCD @a_rebora @jonHarper70bd@ @bamradionetwork @JoeCFeldman #classroomstrategies Joe Feldman has worked in education for over 20 years as a teacher, principal, and district administrator, and is the founder and CEO of Crescendo Education Group (crescendoedgroup.org), which since 2013 has supported K-12 schools, districts, and colleges/universities nationwide to improve grading and assessment practices. He has presented at numerous education conferences, and his writings have been published in Education Week, Kappan, Education Leadership, District Administrator, and Black Press USA. His book, Grading for Equity: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms (Corwin) was published in 2018.