Where Do We Start?: Dismantling the Racial Barriers to Teaching Students of Color
Dismantling racism is easy to put on our to-do list, but much more challenging to achieve. As we head into the next school term, how do we start the process of surmounting the barriers to teaching students of color? Follow on Twitter: @ASCD @DrRachaelGeorge @AlexsPate @jonHarper70bd Alexs Pate is President and CEO of Innocent Technologies. He is a New York Times bestselling author who has written five novels – including Amistad, a children's book, a book of nonfiction and has curated numerous literary anthologies. His latest book The Innocent Classroom: Dismantling Racism for Children of Color was published in 2020 by ASCD. Throughout his career, Alexs has attacked the virulent racial stereotypes that limit the realities of people of color. He has worked to create worlds in which the humanity of everyone is recognized, known and finally assumed. Alexs founded Innocent Technologies to build the world in which we can live our authentic humanity, uninhibited by the stories about who we are supposed to be. Guest host Rachael George is the principal of Sandy Grade School in the Oregon Trail School District and an ASCD Emerging Leader.