Unpacking the Critical Skills for Facilitating Successful PLCs
Our guest is dedicated to developing stronger PLCs. In this episode, we take an incisive look at why some PLCs lead teachers to new levels of performance and identify the key principles for greater success. Follow: @AdamJBrownEDU @ASCD @bamradionetwork Daniel R. Venables, author of Facilitating Teacher Teams and Authentic PLCs: The Human Side of Leading People, Protocols, and Practices, is founder and executive director of the Center for Authentic PLCs. His career spans over more than 30 years in education. He has been a classroom teacher in both public and independent schools in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Connecticut for 24 years, serving as a math department chair for 18 years. Adam J. Brown Ed.D., an ASCD Emerging Leader, is a principal Re-ED/TRAEP- Virginia Beach SECEP at Renaissance Academy.