How the Best Teachers Create Highly Literate Students
Our guests have completed a study into the instructional practices that create highly literate students. Join us as they share their insights. 'Follow: @snovak91335 @Bonnie_Houck @mattwachel @ASCD @bamradionetwork Bonnie Houck and Sandi Novak are authors of Literacy Unleashed: Fostering Excellent Reading Instruction Through Classroom Visits. Houck is an associate professor of education at Bethel University and provides training through the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association (MESPA). Novak is an education consultant with more than 30 years of experience as an assistant superintendent, principal, curriculum and professional learning director, and teacher. ASCD Emerging Leader and host Matt Wachel is an elementary assistant principal in the Park Hill School District in Kansas City, MO.