Episode 37: Genuinely You to Genuine Growth: Building Your Brand Expertly and Authentically with Amanda Thompson
In our longest and last interview of season 1 of the podcast, Danielle and Nicole talk to Amanda Thompson of Thompson’s Teachings. Jersey native Amanda is a 1st grade teacher and a branding expert, and though she has a natural eye for design, she firmly believes that great branding is so much more than fonts and a color scheme. Amanda has built a devoted following on Instagram, and she runs the thriving Facebook group Instagram Connection for Educators. Amanda put in the time to make personal connections and in both spaces, Amanda leads by example. She shows that being real resonates more deeply than being stereotypically Instagram perfect. The entire episode is a tutorial in being yourself, and for Amanda, her authentic self is reflected in the platforms she has invested be time in and the deep connections she’s made along the way by being who she truly is. Amanda delivers seriously good advice on branding without taking herself too seriously. An episode with as many laughs as there are nuggets of branding wisdom, this is a must-listen for teacherpreneurs at any stage of business. In this episode, you’ll hear: -How who you are in your classroom can help you find “the thing” that becomes your brand -The right way to work the DMs on Instagram— and why you absolutely should -How Amanda decided which platform was right for her, and how you can pick the one you should build on (in fact, she explains what order to conquer the platforms in for total beginners) -4 steps to creating a recognizable brand that is truly you Links mentioned Amanda’s Facebook group: Instagram Connection for Educators https://www.facebook.com/groups/igconnectforeducators/ How to check if your handles are available across platforms in the click of just one button https://www.namecheckr.com Episode 33: Making Success Your Business: TpT Is a Business, Not a Hobby with Hayley Cain https://anchor.fm/nicole-clark/episodes/Episode-33-Making-Success-Your-Business-TpT-Is-a-Business--Not-a-Hobby-with-Hayley-Cain-e41t58 Episode 29: Engaging Transformations: Inspiring Students and Teachers To Get Started with Kayla Dessert https://anchor.fm/nicole-clark/episodes/Episode-29-Engaging-Transformations-Inspiring-Students-and-Teachers-To-Get-Started-with-Kayla-Dessert-e3n57d Episode 35: Reluctant To Rockstar Writers with Pam Olivieri https://anchor.fm/nicole-clark/episodes/Episode-35-Reluctant-To-Rockstar-Writers-with-Pam-Olivieri-e46f0b Episode 15: The How and Why of Building Meaningful Student Connections with Janelle Everetts https://www.edverything.com/podcast/2019/building-meaningful-student-connections Episode 13: How To Document Your Teaching Journey (And Why Every Educator Should) With Aliana Lowe https://www.edverything.com/podcast/2019/how-to-document-your-teaching-journey