Episode 32: Classroom Spring Cleaning: What To Do This Spring to Help You Get Summer-Ready
It isn’t just students daydreaming of the summer in the last few days of school. Teachers, too, may start to mentally check out, and the last thing you will want to think about it getting yourself organized. Cleaning out your classroom at the end of the year can be a very time consuming endeavor, and even if you’ve spent hours putting everything into boxes, bins, and binders, there is little guarantee you have done it in a way to set yourself up for a successful fall when summer is so close you can taste it. Utilize any extra time you have this spring break to set yourself up for the closing weeks of school-- and for next year. In this week’s episode, Danielle and Nicole discuss the ins and outs of fully cleaning and prepping your classroom to make it easier to pack up this summer and unpack next fall. We explain why you shouldn’t underestimate the power of changing up your space, and how a small spruce can make a big difference for you and your students. Beyond the mindset shift that can help you and your students cross that finish line, we discuss that it isn’t just your physical classroom space that you need to prepare before heading out for the beach this summer. If you neglect your digital classroom space, you are leaving so much to sort through in upcoming months-- and potentially money on the table! What you’ll hear in this episode: -Why the end of the year is the perfect time to spruce up your classroom-- or try out something new -How to get to inbox 0 (and stay that way) before the last day of school -How (and why) to use an email template -What digital files to get rid of (and how to make the most of the ones you keep) -How cleaning (or using) the right calendar makes a major difference for end of the year events Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 31: Seat Yourself: How to Make Flexible Seating Successful With Nicki Dingraudo https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-31-seat-yourself-how-flexible-seating-can-be/id1433962469?i=1000437028845 Episode 19: Why You Should be on TpT-- and How To Get Started Today https://www.edverything.com/podcast/2019/why-you-should-be-on-tpt-and-how-to-start Episode 22: Time, Tasks and Trauma: Troubleshooting Common Teacher Stressors with Amanda Murtaugh https://www.edverything.com/podcast/2019/time-tasks-trauma-troubleshooting-common-teacher-stressors-with-amanda-murtaugh-lmhp Spark for email https://sparkmailapp.com Michael Hyatt’s new book https://freetofocusbook.com Michael Hyatt’’s interview on Amy Porterfield’s Podcast where he talks about master email templates https://www.amyporterfield.com/2019/04/258/ Review of the best calendar apps of 2019 https://zapier.com/blog/best-calendar-apps/ And of course, our free resource library! https://www.edverything.com/resource-library-opt-in