Episode 11: Decode Standards Like A Pro: An Interview With Hayley Cain
Are students truly learning in your classroom or are you just presenting information to the class? How can we create a standardized environment where all students in a grade level are held accountable for the same information without limiting teacher creativity and autonomy? In this week’s episode, Danielle and Nicole interview Hayley Cain, an elementary school teacher from Georgia with a specialty for making common core standards common practice in her classroom. Hayley shares her experience transitioning from the middle school to the elementary level and the lasting lessons she picked up having previously worked at a “failing” school. Hayley has witnessed first-hand how powerful deconstructing standards and team planning time can be, and she has taken these strategies and applied them successfully to a new school and grade level. With her insights—and the handy checklist she created— you’ll be able to see and measure real change and growth in your own classroom. In this episode you’ll hear: • Why teachers may initially resist looking at state and common core standards • How to break down any standard into what students need to know • How to utilize regular, standardized, formative assessments • Ways to differentiate learning to measure success for low achieving as well as gifted students Links mentioned: The Intentional Teaching Checklist: http://activityaftermath.blogspot.com/2018/11/intentional-teaching-checklist.html?m=1 Common Core App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.masteryconnect.CommonCoreahl=en_US Hayley’s TpT store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Hayley-Cain-Activity-After-Math