Ep. 044 - Assessments You Can Actually Fall In Love With
For too many art teachers, assessment remains a difficult concept. It's tough to know what's going to work, how it can be implemented, and how it can be incorporated to actually help improve teaching. In this episode, Tim takes on some of these concerns and shares his ideas on making assessment valuable. Heather Crocket, the Educational Director at The Art of Ed, joins the show for a conversation on how assessments can actually affect your classroom (10:00), the best formative and summative assessments for the art room (13:15), and why assessment is so difficult for art teachers (17:45). Most importantly, Heather offers some very specific advice on what we can do as art teachers to take on assessment and make it work for us. Resources and Links: A Sample SLO for Art Teachers 3 Simple Tricks for Tracking Student Growth 20 Quick Formative Assessments You Can Use Today AOE's Assessment in Art Education Course