Ep. 022 - Does Creativity Require Procrastination
Is procrastination an important part of the creative process, or is it simply laziness and avoidance? If it's integral, how do we show students deadlines and time management are important while also allowing students the time to incubate ideas? If it's not important, how do we help students deal with the down time they need to come up with their best ideas? Andrew opens the show by making a great case for why creative personalities need the chance to procrastinate, but then Tim comes on the show to tell him why he's wrong (10:00). The guys also talk about what procrastination looks like in the art room (12:30) and the best strategies for finding a balance between both sides of the argument (19:30). Resources and Links: On the Benefits of Procrastination: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/17/opinion/sunday/why-i-taught-myself-to-procrastinate.html?_r=0 Procrastination Makes You More Creative: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/17/opinion/sunday/why-i-taught-myself-to-procrastinate.html?_r=0 No Way, They Were Totally Lying in that Last Article Right Above This: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dont-delay/201601/procrastination-virtue-creativity-why-its-false Do Creative People Procrastinate More?:https://www.quora.com/Why-do-creative-professionals-seem-to-procrastinate-more-than-other-people