Episode 9: Geodes Rock!
Pun intended. This episode takes us into the world of Geodes - decodable readers that bridge foundational skills and Wit and Wisdom ELA - through building knowledge and accessible text. Melissa and Lori talk with Lorraine Griffith and Emily Gula, who share the research and insight behind the development of Geodes and how they can be used in classrooms, as well as (and most importantly) why Geodes are market disrupters. We can't wait for Baltimore City students to experience these special texts this year, to connect Wilson Language's Fundations foundational skills to the knowledge-building topics in Wit and Wisdom ELA core instruction. Quite simply, GEODES ROCK! Links: Great Minds https://greatminds.org/geodes The Reading League https://www.thereadingleague.org/ NAEP scores https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading/ Why We’re Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Way that Doesn’t Work by Natalie Wexler https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliewexler/2019/01/23/why-were-teaching-reading-comprehension-in-a-way-that-doesnt-work/#1314a1f837e0 Elementary Education Has Gone Terribly Wrong by Natalie Wexler https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/08/the-radical-case-for-teaching-kids-stuff/592765/ Additional Authors a Texts: David Kilpatrick Marilyn Jager Adams Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch