Episode 003: Survival Tips for Teaching with Technology (2)
Welcome to Part 2 of Survival Tips for Teaching with Technology. If you listened to Part 1, you’ll know that Shelly Terrell is our speaker today on this topic. But, what you maybe don’t know is how incredibly talented and multi-faceted Shelly is. So, let me take just a moment to tell you. Shelly Terrell is a teacher trainer, instructional designer, and author. She has been recognized by various notable entities, such as the ELTon Awards, The New York Times, and Microsoft’s Heroes for Education, as a leader and visionary for teacher-driven professional development, education technology, elearning, and mobile learning . She is the co-founder of the #Edchat movement, the Reform Symposium Global E-Conference, and The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. Shelly has trained teachers and taught learners in over 100 countries and has consulted with organizations such as UNESCO Bangkok, The European Union aPLaNet Project, Cultura Inglesa of Brazil, the British Council in South East Asia, and more. Shelly hosts American TESOL’s Free Friday Webinars and shares regularly via TeacherRebootCamp.com, Twitter @ShellTerrell, Facebook, and Google+. She is also the author of Learning To Go, Byte-sized Potential, and The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators published by Routledge. I want to welcome back Shelly Terrell with Part 2: SURVIAL TIPS FOR TEACHING WITH TECHNOLOY Let’s get learning!