177 - TAMMY BREITWEISER: Learning, Writing, and Embracing Rejections
TAMMY BREITWEISER is a primary teacher, prolific writer, and podcaster. Her commitment to the learning of her students is matched only by her dedication to personal growth; complacency is not a word you will ever associate with Tammy. On her Twitter profile, she writes “I am the Accidental Inspirationalist and a writer who is a Force of Nature.” After following her content for any length of time, you’ll see that she is exactly that. FOLLOW Tammy On Twitter @TLBreit (https://twitter.com/TLBREIT) On Instagram @InspireTammyB (https://www.instagram.com/inspiretammyb/) On her website at https://tammysreadinglife.wordpress.com/ On her mailing list at https://mailchi.mp/f99ff5fdfc67/newsletter-sign-up On Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/2uBzMJthw4bDDPZ9phzRQh?si=bgHvqvB8TLiTTGSPtqUPjQ VISIT https://teachersonfire.net/ for all the show notes and links from this episode! FOLLOW Teachers on Fire on social media On Twitter @TeachersOnFire (https://twitter.com/TeachersOnFire) On Instagram @TeachersOnFire (https://www.instagram.com/teachersonfire/) On Facebook @TeachersOnFire (https://www.facebook.com/TeachersOnFire/) On LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/TimWCavey On The Teachers on Fire Magazine: https://medium.com/teachers-on-fire On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/teachersonfire On Voxer @TeachersOnFire (https://web.voxer.com/u/teachersonfire) Song Track Credits Roots of Legend by Density a Time I Did That by Diamond Ortiz I Don’t Wanna Wait by Nana Kwabena True Messiah by DJ Freedem Anthem by The Grand Affair *all tracks courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library at https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teachersonfire/support